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Introducing MR Linac
at Fortis Hospital, Gurugram

Welcome to a new era of cancer treatment at Fortis Hospital, Gurugram, where cutting-edge technology meets compassionate care. We wish to introduce the MR Linac, an innovation poised to redefine precision in radiation therapy.

This groundbreaking system seamlessly integrates a 1.5T MRI with high energy Linear Accelerator, ensuring unparalleled accuracy in visualising the tumour and organs at risk. Explore with us the transformative capabilities of MR Linac and its potential to revolutionize personalized cancer treatment through MRI guided radiation therapy (MRgRT).

Exposing the Unseen:
Innovations in Tumor Detection and Elimination

57% of all cancers occur in the lungs, breast, prostate, colon, stomach, liver, rectum, esophagus and cervix uteri. 8 out of 9 cancers are in difficult-to-visualise soft tissue anatomies.

With the introduction of magnetic resonance radiation therapy (MR/RT), it is now possible to get crystal-clear imaging. This provides visualisation of the tumour and surrounding healthy tissue with unparalleled soft tissue contrast. The ability to see clearly—along with real-time adaptive radiotherapy and real-time tumour monitoring capabilities— enables true personalised therapy, at a level not possible before.

The MR Linac expands treatment options for all cancers including hard-to-treat cancers.

Key Features 1.5T MR and Linac Integration


High-Resolution Imaging

The 1.5T MR offers superior image resolution, providing detailed insights into the tumour location, its motion and surrounding anatomy, facilitating precise treatment delivery. The doctor can see the progress of the tumor during the course of radiation therapy.

Real-Time Adaptation

With real-time imaging capabilities, our clinicians can monitor and adapt the treatment plan as needed, ensuring accuracy throughout the entire radiation therapy session.

Reduced Uncertainty

The advanced imaging capabilities minimize uncertainties related to patient positioning and anatomical changes, enhancing treatment precision.

Watch Our Videos

Revolutionizing cancer treatment
Dr. Anil Kumar Anand

Unveiling the Future of Cancer Treatment
Dr. Amal Roy Chaudhoory

Prepare for the next level of cancer care
Dr. Swarupa Mitra

Advantages Of MR LINAC Over
Conventional Radiotherapy


Precise Targeting:

MR Linac technology allows for real-time monitoring of tumour size and shape during treatment, ensuring radiation is delivered with pinpoint accuracy.

Advanced Imaging Capabilities:

MR Linac is equipped with a 1.5T MRI and it provides detailed visibility of tumours and surrounding normal structures, surpassing the clarity of CT scan-based Linear Accelerators.

Reduced Treatment Duration:

Patients may benefit from shorter treatment durations due to the precision and effectiveness of MR Linac technology.

Improved Quality of Life:

By minimizing side effects and discomfort, MR Linac enhances the overall quality of life during and after treatment.

Personalized Treatment Plans:

The enhanced imaging capabilities enable constant monitoring of tumor including response to radiation with specialized MRI images (DWI images). It ensures personalized treatment plans, improving local tumour control and minimizing side effects.

Revolutionary Impact:

MR Linac represents a significant advancement in the way radiation will be delivered in future, offering new hope and better outcomes for patients.

Treatment Journey
at Fortis Hospital with MR Linac

Your journey with MR Linac treatment at Fortis Hospital begins with a comprehensive
understanding of the process tailored just for you:


Initial Consultation

Your dedicated medical team at Fortis will engage in detailed discussions regarding your treatment options, addressing any concerns or queries you may have about the procedure and its potential effects.


Imaging and Simulation

Cutting-edge imaging technology, with CT – Simulator, CT-PET or MRI scans, will be utilized to precisely map the location, size, and shape of your tumour, along with neighbouring organs, ensuring accurate treatment planning. A dedicated CT- Simulator in the department helps to achieve these goals.


Personalized Treatment Planning

Our expert team will craft a personalised treatment plan, precisely determining the radiation does and delivery sites based on your unique medical profile and the specifics of your condition.


Treatment Sessions

Each treatment session at Fortis would commence with a fresh MRI scan, allowing for real-time adjustments to the treatment plan based on the latest imaging data, ensuring optimal precision and effectiveness.


Continued Care

Following each treatment session, you'll be able to return home. Over the course of your radiation therapy, regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and well-being. Your commitment to attending these appointments, even if you're feeling well, is crucial for ensuring the best possible outcome.

Team That Cares

Radiation Oncologists
Medical Physicists
Well Trained Radiotherapy Technologists

Tumour Treatment with MR Linac

Head & Neck Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Carcinoma Pancreas

Rectum Cancer

Breast Cancer

Lung Cancer

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is MRgRT?

MR Guided Radiation Therapy (MRgRT) is a new treatment modality that lets doctors watch and adapt your cancer treatment in real-time, using a combination of MRI imaging and targeted radiation therapy.

2. How does MRgRT work?.

It allows doctors to see and target your tumour more effectively by using MRI to monitor changes in size, shape, and location of tumour during treatment, adapting to how your tumour responds.

3. When is MRgRT used?

MRgRT can be used in many tumours that are either not clearly visible on current CT scan based radiation therapy equipments or tumours that frequently change their location like prostate, rectum, oral cancers, pancreatic cancers, bladder cancers etc. Its use is rapidly increasing in other tumours also.

4. Is MRgRT the right treatment for me?

Your doctor will help you decide. Reach out to your healthcare provider to discuss your treatment options.

5. What's different about MRgRT?.

Existing radiation therapy treatment utilizes cone beam CT images while MRgRT combines MRI imaging with radiation therapy, providing clearer visualization of tumours and the ability to adjust treatment based on real-time response.

6. Is MRgRT safe?

Yes, it's safe and does not give additional radiation dose unlike CT scan-based radiation machines. It protects healthy organs from radiation exposure, potentially resulting in fewer side effects. Your doctor will monitor and update your therapy as needed.

7. Are there side effects to MRgRT?

While there can be side effects, they are usually temporary and vary depending on the treated area. Discuss any concerns with your doctor.

8. How long does MRgRT treatment last?

Sessions last 30-45 minutes on average, with the possibility to reduce sessions by increasing radiation per session. Some treatments like SBRT are delivered in 3-5 days also.

9. What does MRgRT treatment feel like?

Similar to an MRI there can be noise but the experience is made comfortable, with soft padding, earplugs or headphones for music, and adaptable machine positioning.

10. Do I need to be admitted to a hospital for MRgRT?

No, MRgRT is typically an outpatient procedure, not requiring a hospital stay.

11. What questions should I ask my doctor?

Some questions to consider include asking about the best treatment, the experience of MRgRT, potential side effects, alternative treatments, and support groups during and after treatment.

12. Where can I go for updates and more information?

Contact your doctor and healthcare provider for any questions or concerns.

13. Can we give full course of radiation treatment in lesser number of sessions?

Yes, MR Linac is especially suited for giving full radiation treatment in 3-5 days due to its high accuracy. It leads to improved local control of tumour with reduced side effects.

Meet Our Experts

Dr. Anil Kumar Anand

Senior Director and Head - Radiation Oncology

Dr. Swarupa Mitra

Director - Radiation Oncology

Dr. Amal Roy Chaudhoory

Director - Radiation Oncology
Get Advice From Our Experts

Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
